The Health Department held it’s meeting on March 25th concerning birth center licensing changes requested by Birth and Family Place and Suzanne Smith. Originally there were three requested changes:
1). Change the licensing requirement of a “formal written” transfer agreement with a hospital to “a written transfer plan” which would not require hospital endorsement.
2). Allow LDEM (licensed direct entry midwives) to attend births at licensed birth centers.
3) Allow women who had previously had a C/S and a successful vaginal birth to birth at licensed birth centers.
Both of the changes (number 1 & 2) requested were denied by the committe and the topic of VBACs wasn’t discussed. This means the regulations will remain the same at this time. The good news is none of the highly restrictive recommendations proposed by the Utah Hospital Association were adopted.
According to the newspaper about 70-100 people attended the meeting. I don’t know if that counted cute kids and babies but we did fill the room and overflowed into the hall….thank you to everyone who took time out of your busy day to spend the morning at the Health Department.
Special thanks to Katie, Meggin, Steffi, Stephanie, Kalin, Tirsa, Toby, Tim, Tiffany and anyone in the crowd I might have missed. You are very, very appreciated.