Wednesday March 25, 2008 9:00 am
I was reading the Utah Hospital Association web site and noted that UHA gave more than $50,000 to legislative candidates during 2008. They’re organized and have the resources to do their job…protect the interests of hospitals…which is also why they attend the Health Facility Licensing meetings.
If you’re not doing anything Wednesday, March 25th, 9:00 am come to room 101 of the Cannon Health Department building located at 288 N 1460 W Salt Lake City, UT 84116. I don’t know what to expect but I think that if an organization that represents hospitals will be there… then people who support out-of-hospital birth should also be present. Unless I’m at a birth I’ll be there….maybe… I’ll see you there also. : )
I will try my best to attend… unless of course I’m “at a birth”! LOL Either way I’ll be seeing you!
Answering my own questions – you can find some more details about what is going on here: It doesn’t sound like the committee needs to pass any laws – it sounds like they are writing regulations to specify how laws are enforced.
Thanks for the info on this – I’m so out-of-the-loop here, do you know where to go to find more information? I have questions like – does a bill have to be passed to make these changes, or are these some kind of regulations that a committee can make without going through the legislature? (I’ll admit that one is pretty darn basic!) I may or may not be able to go to the meeting, but I’d easily send e-mails or call offices of people on the committee. Do you know who they are or where to find out?
I think the legislature goes out of session on March 12th (here’s the legislative calendar:, so this meeting is after that. Maybe they don’t need the legislature to make changes?